Since 1990, Decoline has been active as a producer and distributor of user-friendly, high-quality curtain-hanging systems.

Unique and complete professional window decoration solutions are also part of its assortment. Thanks to constant product and service innovations, and because of its top-class quality standards, the company is a leading player in the window decoration market. At the end of 2019, the company was taken over by investment group Renardmont. This enabled Decoline to pursue its independent course, and to continue to focus on innovation and growth.

With a team of more than 45 employees, Decoline realises more than 70% of its sales from its own developments, operating from its headquarters in Pelt (Belgium).


Decoline has been main partner @The Hub Antwerp & The Hub Ghent since 2022.

A creative playground for interior architects and design enthusiasts
inspiration | showroom | events | project meetings | material & product advice

> thehub.be

Own R&D department

Own assembly

Own workshop

A suitable solution for every type of window decoration

The complete solution for window decoration


When it comes to hanging art and decorating your walls, Decoline works with Artiteq, the product specialist for all kinds of hanging issues.

Decoline is the exclusive distributor for the Benelux of Blindspace products. Blindspace is a global provider of ceiling and wall-mounted curtain system concealment solutions.

For many years, Decoline has had an exclusive partnership with this top German manufacturer of high-quality curtain rails and rods.

Since 1984, our British partner Byron&Byron has been producing traditional wooden curtain trimmings, robust rods and flamboyant end caps and accessories that are visually attractive.

Dauby is our supplier for the Milton range, artisanal curtain rods. In addition, Dauby is an importer of exclusive door, window and furniture fittings and also offers a wide range of bathroom and kitchen accessories and metal and bronze tiles.

Decoline works with Somfy for its automation and motorization, making smart living a reality.



De rol van raamdecoratie is het creëren van momenten, het scheppen van sferen in een huiselijke en professionele omgeving.

De consument kan met Decoline producten oneindig combineren en zo naar hartenlust de passende sferen creëren.


Continu doorontwikkelen van ophangtechnieken en de totaaloplossing waarbij de ophangtechniek, de stof en confectie naadloos, harmonieus en perfect in elkaar overgaan.

Deze missie wordt ondersteund door de volgende ambities.

Dagelijks werken wij vol inspiratie om deze verder te optimaliseren: Het werken via en het verder uitbouwen van een evenwichtig netwerk van dynamische interieurspecialisten die onze duurzame partners zijn. Deze interieurspecialisten adviseren de consument en dragen zorg voor de plaatsing.

Het continue innoveren en verbeteren van onze ophangtechnieken en totaaloplossing. Dit doen wij met de R&D-afdeling en het competence centre dat nieuwe producten ontwikkelt en garant staat voor het borgen van de kwaliteit

Het ondersteunen van onze partners met een punctuele after-sales service organisatie.


Curious:> wij zijn nieuwsgierig en leergierig en willen meer weten over nieuwe ontwikkelingen.

Committed: wij zijn vastberaden alles in het werk te stellen om zeer tevreden klanten te hebben.

Creativity: wij wenden al onze creativiteit aan om tot passende oplossingen te komen qua product en service.

Connected: wij voelen ons verbonden met al onze ‘stakeholders’ en relevante ontwikkelingen rondom ons.